Our campaign for Senate is “Truth” as a weapon to protect Faith, Family and Freedom and the truth is that human life is a gift and protecting human life is the point of the commandment: You shall not kill.
Because life begins at conception, inside the mother’s womb, aborting a fetus is no different than ending any life whether the result of incest, rape, or a person with a disability; all are human life.
Propaganda from the mainstream news media and other sources has diverted our thinking from the fundamental of the sanctity of human life to what some might characterize as “considerations of convenience.” The recent result being some legislators' attempts to de-classify unborn children as individuals and thus devoid of civil rights, in exchange for its mother’s freedom to choose convenience. They have codified this, plus the state’s obligation to pay for the mother’s freedom, in NJ’s proposed Reproductive Freedom Act (S3030 and A4848).
Because America is about freedom, our state paying for pregnancy terminations on the grounds of a mother’s freedom to choose convenience might seem logical. But aborting a fetus undoubtedly violates its freedom to live to develop into its full God-given potential and state funds should never be applied for such purposes.
We are a civilized and prosperous society so thankfully we have the resources to protect the sanctity of human life and provide for those born with disabilities. However, the work ahead requires continuing advancing the reality of the sanctity of human life and reverse decades of anti-humanity propaganda.
All human life is precious beginning from the unborn and young, to the aged and infirm, to our natural passing, and must be protected.
- Jeffrey E. Grant
National Right to Life | The nation's oldest & largest pro-life organization (nrlc.org)
Parental Rights: Protecting Children by Empowering Parents